Monday, June 10, 2013

On June 9th I butchered chickens.  First we went to my Uncle Dave's farm for my great grandpa's birthday.  After that i went to Cassville with my grandma and grandpa, so it was just us 3.  I went fishing with my grandpa.  I caught a sheephead and a stick.  Then we just hung out.  The next day we went back to the farm to butcher the chickens.  There were about 11 people to help.  So this is how we did it. First we got a chicken, and chopped its head off, next we put it in boiling hot water about 205 degrees. Then we plucked them (or take the feathers off).  Then we brought them over to the gutting station were we cut them open and took the insides out.  Then we cleaned them off with water and put them in a cooler.  I did about ever job, except the head chopping, but of course when I gutted the chickens one of them that I gutted just pooped so I had to touch the poop. Luckily I had gloves on!  It was gross, but cool!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

This summer I'm playing baseball. I play first base, it was exiting at first but now I'm getting kind of tired of it. Whenever we are going to play infield/outfield coach tells us our positions, and every single time I hear... "Ripple first", but other than that I like it. Our team is pretty good considering that we're the #1 team in the league!